Replay: How to Manifest 3-7K a Month, Quickly


 Day 59 of 100 days of manifestation!

On this call you'll hear me speak about my core 3-step manifestation process you can use on repeat to create 3-7K a month (or any financial goal), daily.

I also opened the doors to my manifestation program called The School of Manifestation. This is a 6 month program where you get weekly coaching, support, accountability, energy clearing while being part of your 'manifestation power team' - the community of other like-minded women daring to dream big and bring their vision to reality.

When you join you get immediate access & taken through the curriculum so you can take small actions (& have BIG results).

In the School of Manifestation we uniquely combine deep mindset coaching, anesthesiology, EFT tapping and visualization to reprogram your mind, all while getting live support week to week to keep you on track to manifest your big dream.

Join The School of Manifestation before Sunday 21 May to receive your bonus 3 private sessions with me to use on mindset coaching, energy clearing or tapping to get you off to a powerful start.
Register here:

Any questions? Feel free to DM me.





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